
the florist

Sundayyy, and I accompanied my Grandma to the florist at Soekarno-Hatta Street.
Well, got some shoots from my healthy hand phone finally!

(... for this one above, i've got no editing :)

A sunset's behind.

... Self portrait.

So actually the day was ended up with lots of laugh by our silly thought. Lol. Heyyy big love for her!!! Grandma rocks!!! :D


Jadi ceritanya, sore itu, Sukma, Yonez, plus Peket habis narsis-narsis bareng gitu deh di Aloon-aloon. Eh... Sepulang dari sesi pemotretan illegal tersebut mereka mampir ke rumah. Langsung aja kan, tujuan utama: kamar.
Sementara Sukma sama si Ama alias Peket geledah-geledah photoshop dan seambrek folder di lappy, Yonez milih geledah-geledah kamar. Jadi deh. Kesibukan masing-masing.

Eits… Tiba-tiba aja Yonez nemuin tuh harta karun yang emang udah lama terpendam di dalem lemari meja belajar berabad-abad lamanya, membusuk tak bernyawa:
5310 XpressMusic
15 - 11 - 2010
Haaah sampek udah mau dipesenin nisan aja tuh sama mama. (jahatnya… hiksaaa)
Pokoknya gak ada harapan lagi deh dia bakal idup, sekecil apa pun harapan itu.

Tapi Yonez memang ajaib kan, apa sih yang enggak dia bisa, coba?
Banyak sih, tapi yang satu ini sempet bikin badan yang sudah saya huni selama 14 tahun ini sakau hebat.
Gila men, saat itu juga bisa dipastikan aku: histeris, heboh, lelunjakkan gak jelas juntrungnya, salto ke depan, salto ke kanan, jungkir balik, kelilinmg rumah, tereak-tereak sampe seantero rumah berhasil memasung dua tangtan beserta kainya ini.

Handphone itu… tiba-tiba saja sodara-sodara sekalian, sebangsa dan setanah air, (gak ngundang pawang atau apalah, gak hujan, gak badai, gak pasti, gak berlalu, gak chrisye, apa ajalah, bahkan ini yang terpenting: tanpa sevis, tanpa keluar duit, dan tanpa sungkem di kaki mama…) NYALA.

Dan diri ini terenyak.
Astaga, sumpah deh demi lemari meja belajar, itu barang slim udah lebih dari sepuluh hari teronggok kurang (lebih tepatnya 'tanpa') perhatian di dalam sana, kedinginan, kesepian, ketakutan, tanpa pernah tangan ini berusaha untuk menjamahnya... *apa sih* begitulah intinya, kok bisa gitu??? Mendadakkk, tanpa kabar, tanpa wangsit, tanpa pelet lagi, dia mau NYALA, berwarna, berbunyi, bertuit-tuit, hidup dengan hanya ditekan tombol power-nya bukan malah hanya karena dengan sendirinya *mikir*

Dan pas lelunjakan tersakral itu dengan spontan terteruskan sampai ke dalam kamar tempat tiga sekawan tadi bermain dan belajar, mereka dengan senang hatinya gak masang ekspresi apa pun dan malah bengong, membuat diri ini patah asa dan putus hati. Hiks...
Yang penting, Yonez harus diberi penghargaan, nobel deh kalau perlu, atas keberhasilannya yang tanpa jerih payah sedikit pun itu.
Senangnya. Betapa kerinduan ini terbalas wajah bloon mereka... Gak apalah.

Demikianlah hari itu terlewati dengan sangat aneh di rumah saya. Terus disusul Sukma yang harus cabut duluan buat pulkam ke kandangnya di utara sana, menyisakan Yonez, Peket, dan saya sendiri yang lalu memutuskan untuk berpiknik ke Tempuranan.
Budhaaal... *uhuk*
Di sana, kita kedatangan Asti (buset berapa kali ini nama terbit di postingan gueeeh?!) dan si Kem. Terus makan, ngobrol, sruput, nyam nyam, sruput..., langit pun memerah.
Selang beberapa dekade kemudian, Yonez harus pulang karena yang bersangkutan dijemput Bapaknya yang selalu-tahu-segala-tempat-dan-gak-pernah-nyasar itu.
Tinggalah diri ini bersama Peket serta dua cuople di hadapan kami ini.
Yeaaa at the end, akhirnya kami menenangkan diri ke rumah Peket dan ngobral obrol di sana.

Hem. Hari yang singkat.
Poinnya adalah: Never close the door from the opportunity of the fortune, because the fortunate’s always luckier than yourself.

check mate the Kings!!!

Thursday again, and I successfully defeated Wangking and her black gangs (by the check mate, absolutely ;) on our first match! Ha-ha eat that, eat that :)
Hi, Black King! You’re mine.

 The Black King.

The Winner :)

The Runner Up (ha-ha take a softer word eh ;)

Candid of Cake.

(Look at the guitar picks. Don't you know, that's a picks from Iman J-Rocks! Lucky me)

#2 candid from Cake :o

Hey, psst... It has been a hidden project.

rolling tires

Sing with me again :)

Thought this was the hardest week I ever had, eh.
Great. Those problems… Those riots. These feelings. And all of the same kinds inside. Oooh. My. Heart.
But this weekend was gonna be the nicest weekend I ever got.

After rolled out tires from (as always) my house, to the A, to the B, and the C, to the D, it was so beauty to caught that entire place is always closed, so we decided to isolate ourselves from those Silent Crowd to the Kintamani.
And here are silhouettes of us:

… Took some hours there, we went to the L! (L because it took the place after 'K' on 'K'intamani oh never mind) Then, for the last destination, we greeted the night at The Town Square!
Not only a fairytale when a long long time ago, actually, we have planed a journey by some buggy. (What’s buggy? In Javanese, it’s called as dokar, or delman, or whatever you called it.)
So, after parked our motorcycles, we started the action!

We bargained the coachman, even though we couldn’t, so we only decreased the price from Rp3000,- became Rp2000,-
Don’t blame us.
Threw my miseries off by dancing on the bugg was the sweet, sweaty, sweetest sweet experience for me. And for the door prize, you knew that I through this woo-hew-la-la-la with my best friends: my fairies, and I love them, I love this condition, I forgot the conviction, I forgot my pains, I got my tied-dreams, I loved tonight.
About the hazy plan to ride the buggy, we had the other story between too, by the way :) Proudly I’ll tell you bout the story. And here we go. So six months ago, we took around at The Town Square and it was not just like that but there were also the rules of the game. In the every corner of The Square, we had to make a wish. A wish in every corner. So every fairy had four wishes tonight. Back to this time, we wanted to reply that night again… by a buggy, not motorcycles. So romantic friendship, eh? It’s Ponorogo, Reog city, with all of its exoticism, and lights of the night in the town square… It made the night became so perfect for troublesome like me. Goddd… If it were just a dream… I’d hope, didn’t let it meet its end for sure please…
Uaaaaahhh… Two circle for the square. Didn’t wanna hold the end yet… Hiks momma… Shot, shot, the camera caught our silhouettes.

Time for wakin' up, kids! Fairies were only in the tale, weren’t they?
We knew that we didn’t wanna leave this night but what could we do, our feet found the way of coming back finally. Suddenly, we caught in front of our parking area again. Huh. Why? Actually, it was not only because our feet were naughty but, MEGA lost her motorcyc’s key!!! Oh. My. Shoe… *sweatdrop* Careful girl, eh? Yayyy standing ovation!
Thought; It’s a Town Square. Weekend, and there were more than one hundred persons who had opportunity of stealing. Great, Meg. Believed in miracle, and prayed to the Lord, let’s found you key back. So, here we were, on the parking lot and I knew I was jumping and jumping when at the same time my eyes stared the key that hung above the motor. Miracle does exist, man! God does.
Wow. One more experience tonight!!! Ha-ha.
Well, that night was ended up by the photo shooting again :D
Narcissism is better than Bieber’s fever, huh ;)

And here are the portraits of "Sinta-Jojo-Melinda Wanna Be." Enjoy:

(Yeah, so the conclusion was they became crazy at the end. See that.)

However... Glam night.

- T O  B E  C O N T I N U E D -

Be A Wife On A Day

O M G!!!!
I love my Lord ‘cause He always knows what I have to give, and what I have to get.

Like today. Hey, btw, it’s Thursday and I got a beautiful evening againnn ;)
See how can I love Him, eh.
Yeah. I called what I got today as “Be a Wife on a Day”.

After Mr. Bell of my school was RIIIIINGING so looooouuudlyyy, Asti (how could this name be so famous here, hey?!) and me began to collect more and more sheets of money from our friend’s richey hands…
Yes! Moneys in hand, then we went to the MARKET.
Aha. Traditional market.
Confidently, we bought some pineapples, cucumbers, and rose-apples. Like a wisey momma, we bargained them and successfully made the rest of the money in our grip. Great! We rode this yellow meow to Asti’s and two cheesy girls was waiting for us there. The moment became more exciting when one, two… four girls increased it with some noise of crowd. Woo-hoofff!!! Let’s play the game… This kitchen must be rockin'!
PS: kebetulan rumah Asti sedang bebas ortu, jadi… sekarang… kamilah ortunya. HUAHAHAHA *angel smirk*

#1 made some creepy noodle by us!!!
Let’s opened our party with KYAAAAA!!!

#2 made the drrrinkkk of a hell
It was a veryyy super hot day, so the maker would be hot too ;)

#3 had a lunch together!!!
Lucunya, di sini satu jatah harus cukup buat berdua. Dan saya kebagian jatah sama Yonez. Beginilah percakapan yang berlangsung saat itu:
Y : “Pod, you with me!”
V : “Okay, Hon. Let’s eat this out together fover happily ever after.”
Y : “Hey shut up take a half of yours here. Hurry!”
V : “Oh, Honey. You’re so cool, how can—“
Y : “I’m not your Honey. I am Butter!”

NO. Not like that.
Ew. The truly dialogue was:
(I divided my noodle in two with Yonez. Then she protest me like these:)
Y : “Kok malih akehan kowe, Pod?”
V : “Yo no. Aku kan luih sibuk ko kowe, dadi kalori sing ta butuhne luih akeh. Paham?”
Y : “Haaarrhh kene-kene!”
V : “Ok”
(Dia pun merenggut separuh isi piringku... Hiks... Mama...)
Y : “Nah. Ngene lho...”
V : “… Lhoh. Kok…”
Y : *kedip kedip*
V : “… Akehan kowe, Nez?”
Y : “Ya dong, kan aku lebih sibuk dari pada kamyu gitu, jadi kalori yang akyu butuhin kan lebih banyak... Ngerti?”

BUKAN. Gak segitunya sih. Krik krik. Sudahlah saya hanya melantur, sodara-sodara.
Masalahnya adalah, saya lupa bagaimana percakapan yang terjadi saat itu, jadi... mari kita melanjutkan ceritanya. Sebenernya karena sang penulis ini terlalu fokus pada cerita romantisnya bersama Yonez, dia sampai tidak menyadari bahwa waktu itu, sehabis makan siang bareng, banyak yang pada kudu pulang duluan. Dan yang tersisa adalah... Yep. Asti dong pastinya (si Mpu-nya rumah), Dono, dan si Gadis Pemetik Bunga asal Pink City, dan sya sendiri. Wuoheyy keren banget bung namanya: Pink City. Ya, alias (n)Jambon. Hemm. Dari sini, kami beremoat melanjutkan perjalanan menuju kekacauan yang paling racau. Oleh karena itu, diplanningkan bahwa saat itu,
#4 adalah acara utama hari ini, yaituuu: Prepared salad of this sooort!!!
Yea. Dono and Asti peeled the cucumbers, I washed the fruits, and Nia...

#5 prepared the ice cucumber
She grated the cucumbers and put it into the big mug. While ati and Dono sliced the fruits, I helped Nia to stir a glass of sugar and hot water. Then Nia added a lime’s taste and I added the more taste with nutrisari. Okay, the last, poured the cold water into the mud. The next wasss…

#6 made the salad
Ooh no. Sampe di sini, sepertinya saya harus mengakui suatu hal yang pentingnya tak terperi:
Saya gak doyan pedas. Sama sekali *blush on*
Ampuuunnn… Gimana nih. Gimana dong, jadinya saya gak bisa buat sambel. Oh Tuhan ampunilah dakuuu… Jadi, saya cuma nangkring di situ deh ngalihat mereka doing tanpa ekspresi. Asti bikin sambel gak pedenya (oh I love Asti huek hak cuih) sementara Nia dan Dono bikin yang ekstra hot. Gile, lam bener tuh nguleknya, sampe kesel sendiri tahu gak nangkring gini aja. Nah… Tidak terasa, tuan-tuan dan nyonya-nyonya… acara yang telah berabad-abad kami bina ini… sudah memasuki fase puncak yaitu… marilah kita bersama-sama mengucapkan:

Hiks… Terharu… *nangis sambel rujak*
Dan makanlah kami serakusnya.


Menginjak acara pamungkas pada sore hari ini, adalah...

#8 Isah-isah *wek wek wek weeekkk*
Begitulah saya benar-benar merasa masuk dalam siaran langsung acara “Be A Wife On A Day”.
Karena perlu diketahui... yang paling banyak cuci piring adalah... Hiks saya, sodara-sodara... (*selain dari pada sang tuan rumah sendiri tentunya)
Yak. Tak terasa telah satu dasawarsa kita bersama, waktunya saya, Vivid untuk undur diri.
Mewakili seluruh redaksi yang bertugas,
Salam Ibu Rumah Tangga.

PS: ... ada rahasia indah dibalik “SMS”...
*rock on*

yummy tours!

Hi, you.
So, I was home while my school took a rest for a little two days in its very marry mercy schedules because Mr. Cow and Mr. Goat were ready to be killed for our dinner tonight.
So powerful. Well, in the other side, my body was shakin’ all over the day within those two kinds of very big delicious tours, and I was bounding wherever I went, here, here, there, and here, and there, there, and here again, and there oh rock on.

… Tuing tuing Asti picked me up and we went to Ama’s (who also well-known as: Peket). There should be more than four persons who sat in the circle to face their art homework. Arrived there (and of course, our hypothesis was true) so we started to give them announcement, oh, oh, I meant invitation eh I meant, er… hmm… Oh yea, I meant, advertisement. Okay then what’s the result? They didn’t wanna join us. Good choice, good choice bye so after thattt me and my partner in front of the speedometers thought and thought, looked for another pushover and BINGO!!! We decided to gotta someone’s house. Someone who we wanted to be home at that time. Yeah welcome to Giny’s!!!
1st minute. 2nd. Third. And it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, and the major lift, the baffled king composing hallelujaaahhh… *dankeluarlahwedhusgembel* Knock knock… Anybody’s hooome? Yuu-huu... Spadaaa… Misi bang… Halooo iyaaa apa kabaaar wahhh baiiikkk… Tulatiiit… Shu shu shu. Okay, would be a new year to wait Giny till her out from his brick. Karena… She wasn’t home actually. Honestly it was not that easy to restrain our bloody tears to fell out. Hh. Let’s went home.

At Asti’s finally, and there stood in her garage the THE THREE MUSKETEERS! WOW… No. They’re my pets, hah. Whoops, I meant Asti’s rabbits was mine too ha-ha krik krik absolutely six’s better than five so we waited for one more person again and it was Asti’s doll ha-ha eh eh gak jadi. Dan seketika itu juga… He’s comin.
Well. Sekali berarti, setelah itu mati. Iya kan? Jadi masih bingunglah kita di tempat karena memang ENGGAK TAHU MAU KE MANA. How could—I d k. Jadi we still stuck there for several minutes just to find where would we go to.
Deal. I offered an idea to came back to Ama’s. And we did. We went there and stuck (hellyeahAGAIN) for only to ask the same quest and ME, I helped Ama and the gang to paint their mask and trimatra by the way while my own gang was so confused to decide the destination.
Oh no, finally I heard a deal from them again and guessed what, yeah. I had to stop my activity and followed them went to Kec’s, our another ‘companion’.
Otw there and suddenly we piled up on K’s house whereas he wasn’t home and we had to take a previous to gotta the big road which located before the gates of the housing. The wanted victim was there finally we’d eat some dinner tonight.
Yeah, we went to the workshop he be. Oh yes I had a little story to be told for you. Actually, Kec didn’t want to go anywhere that time, so we went to another place without some new member. But there was a tiny big incident while we arrived on the workshop. I think… It will be more interesting if I tell this one for you in my mother tongue.
Kan pada akhirnya kita sampe juga tuh ke bengkel di mana si Kec lagi ongkang-ongkang dengan najisnya. Nah setegaknya di sana tiba-tiba si Liur melonjak dari motornya menghampiri Kec… Saat itulah terjadi adegan slow motion mode dari Inang dan Malin Kundang yang lama tak berjumpa. Apa? Gak segitunya. Ya gitu deh. Saking kangennya Liur tuh sama Kec, tanpa memikirkan segala yang pernah ada di dunia termasuk segala hukum kimia, biologi, apa lagi fisikanya, dia langsung aja noh ikut ongkang-ongkangan di atas amben yang sebenarnya sudah di luar kapasitasnya untuk menanggung lima orang yang masing-masing dilekati rata-rata sekuintal kalori beserta segala yang terselip di dalamnya *hosh hosh hosh* DAAAN itu pun masih harus di tambah seorang LIUR dengan segala racun yang terkandung dalam liurnya shuuu ck ck ck amben itu pun BRUAKKK jebol, saudara-saudara. Stop! Jangan dibayanginnn!!! Aduuuhhh gak tahu deh waktu itu gimana nasib ibu orong-orong dan seluruh jagat bawah tanah akibat peristiwa Inang dan Malin Kundang. Sontak, si Kec, Liur, kakanya Kec, dan tiga orang lain yang ‘tadinya’ bagai bertahta di atas situ glodakan ke tegalan samping bengkel. Makan tuh encokkk!!! Bonus bonyok, ses…

Shu shu shu.
Ya, and like what I told you on the top, without Kec in the gang we still went away to look for another fun; drunk some juiceee! TARAAA!!! The Juice Shop was closed. Shu… But not just an idea, we finnaly went to Kem’s house. There… Made a noisy afternoon, we rescued the day from the Crowdy Moody Silence’s attack. Yeah, it’s another character again from my rockin’ brain. The Crowdy Moody Silence. Shu shu ;)

Huuuaaaaahhh… well, I was home finally.

After took a very quicky bath (‘quick’ for a Pentium 1 Snail like me), I opened my door for greeting the other three fairies who were gonna shakin the rest of my dayyy. Wang’s e the first to put her bottom on my chair. Then, Cake. Hi cake, you were late. The last, Mega. So, let’s started shakin this evening, fairiesss!!!
… TUNGGU DULU. Sebentar. Sepertinya ada yang ketinggalan untuk diungkapkan. Ternyata, si T-nya gak bisa… Oke deh, akhirnya diputuskanlah untuk nongkrong di markas besar di masa jaya kami berempat dulu; Joglo Manis.
Whoops. Bukan ngiklan lho. Memang di situlah kami banyak menghabiskan waktu tergak penting kami pas kelas 8 dulu. Dan menu yang gak boleh ketinggalan adalah…
Ya, seratus.
French Fries is amust, man. What’s the world saying, huh?
Tareeek maaaaanggg… Eits.
Ada bau tidak sedap rupanya. Ban motor si Wangking robohhh! Tidaaaaakkk… Bocor, maksudnya. Yaaah alhasil dia harus nuntun tuh motor senior 200 meter ke depan deh. Tapi tenang, King! Don’t worry, be happy, kamu gak sendiriannn, karena di sini ada kami bertiga yang selalu always. Kita kan peri, masak gitu aja nyerah. Jadi gak sampai di situ, karena pada dasarnya kami memang gakgampangnyerah, akhirnya kami lanjut ke Joglo Manis (dengan formasi baru; Wangking sama si Cake akibat motornya dititipin ke tukang tambal ban) yang sama sekali gak menjoglo dan sama sekali gak manis kalau anda cukup keren untuk mencoba mengunyahnya. Coba deh sekali-sekali.
Eh, ngomong-ngomong… Tahu gak sih, tempat yang dari tadi kita bicarain perihal manis atau enggaknya itu tutup lho. Jadi kita musti pindah ke Banyyyu Bening, yang kacaunya tutup juga, JJJADIII… Njagung deh. Njagung, yuk? Njagung kan... Njagung dong.
Dan... Sempurnalah hari ini.

Jadi endingnya, di situ kita tertangkap basah malah ngobrolin apa pun yang bisa dan sempet buat diobrolin. APA PUN. Ya, Walau bisa dibilang bukan sepenuhnya ‘ngobrolin’ tapi lebih ke ‘membicarakan’ ganjelan-ganjelan yang sudah lama melanda. Tapi udah lama banget rasanya kita ngumpul-ngumpul kayak gini. Inget postingan real-rave-mare-tale? Itulah yang diri ini maksudkan dengan terakhir kami ngumpul bareng. It was like a miracle when knew that after wrote about my wish to get 'together' time with them again, I got it. Got what I want. They returns! Oh how i miss us *hiks hiks*
I knew that the sky wasn't same again. I knew there was no stars tonight like six month ago. But our friendship's never dead. Like always, we'll be the riot dreamers ever.
Hope it would not be the last.
Mungkin mereka tak menyadari saat sorot mata ini tajam menerawang ruang dan waktu ke masa itu, ketika langit bercerita, dan angin menyenandungkan gumaman merdu... Mungkin mereka tak tahu aku di sini merasa ada karena mereka ada. Mungkin mereka tak pernah menegrti akan arti dari kisah seorang penyihir buta. Namun mereka selalu memahami makna dari mantra-mantra ajaib sang Peri;
Aku, kalian, dan malam ini.
Bersama riuhnya lampu kota, menebal dalam bayang abadi.

Oh looked out!!!
I'm smiling ;)

Waktunya pulaaaaanggg,

Well, at last.
This shakin’ day was really really rockin’ me on ;)
Huh, hallelujah.

I. M. U.

I miss you. I miss you. Miss you. Missing you is like slicing my heart into those are so much pieces and I just caught myself alone here and still keeps it all bleed only for letting you know that I miss you so bad.

ask what, not what

“Ask not what your country has given to you, but ask what you’ve given to your country.”

Be solid, be more nationalistic.

“Indonesia bukanlah siapa Anda, dari mana Anda berasal, atau pun bagaimanakah latar belakang Anda; Indonesia adalah di mana ketika Anda berjuang untuk Indonesia, di situlah Anda adalah orang Indonesia.”

real-rave-mare tale

So, claps clap, claps your teeth, Hunn. Oh, yes, yes, I know… You’re just trembling with Mrs. Coldey in this morning class. Jealousy me
Well yeah. A new day. Hi there, and just got a fairytale again to bring you to the Lullaby tonight.
… … *krik krik*
Oh great you’ve closed your eyes well. La la la la la… Well. Here I’ll start the line.

“… when i was younger i saw my daddy cry and curse at the wind
he broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to reassemble it
and my momma swore that she would never let herself forget
and that was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love
if it does not exist
but Darlin'...
you are the only exception
you are the only exception
you are the only exception
you are the only exception..."

A secret.
Clock clicked. Clock clicked. Click clock clock clock. The Time was clicking the Clock. Oh hey hey who-the-hell-ever, cracked these cricks please. No, no. Wait. No. Oh yeah, aha, hell’s still hot eh, that naughty fairy came to her cemetery finally. NO. I meant, her very ‘patient’ conspiracy NEVER MIND let’s count the goat baby, one, two, one, two, one to two, and one, and two, then one and two, oh absolutely! After the long long time later, came the other fairies. Counted the wings and you’d get big four. Well, okay fully equipped! Uh, oh. “Who’s that, what’s that? Or… Any of nothing’s gonna be sick to guess that?” Wait. Suddenly two bees came and greeted the day. No, no, of course not, hunn. They were just annoying our garden with a bounce of basketball, actually. Dracula, Dracula! Let’s hit the ground, man!

"... maybe i know somewhere deep in my soul that love never lasts
and we've got to find other ways to make it alone, keep a straight face
and i've always lived like this, keeping a comfortable distance
and up until now i had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness
because none of it was ever worth the risk..."

Those hazy silhouettes.
A late twilight was blurred on the sky.
I saw those hazy silhouettes make some noise on the bound.
At the same moment I caught myself just sit on the ground, well, may be I was wrong.

"... well you are the only exception
you are the only exception
you are the only exception
you are the only exception,"

Well, yea.

I find myself on the rockin’ chair. Hwshsvoscszxyyzsvgufaivgubobubaughshshuu… What did I… Am I raving? Oh cool. Where am I? ... WHAT?!!! Some body kidnapped me and give me a shoe to marry me?! Am I Cinderella? Yes?! No? Oh? Oh… Oh, I’m just still keep on my rockin’ chair. =_=” Rock on.
Well. I did dream that ‘la la la’ tale, eh. Puff...
Hey hey it’s your fault!!! No! Yours! Hey you! You! Wake up! Wake up! Oh no. Okay. So, whaa(yawn,yawn)aat’s the moral messages inside my real-rave-mare tonight?
Is there some(yawn,yawn)thing? The answer is NO, (yawn) if you can’t find it. But YES if you blame these words;
One night in the sixth month of this year, we've sat in the middle of school’s field. And The Only Exception was playing for us. We were just staring at the sky, with the silence and coldness. And the stars were dancing for us, Five Riotous Dreamers ever.

"... i've got a tight grip on reality
but i can't let go of what's in front of me here
i know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream..."

A yawn comes and the world is black.

I miss you all like six months ago and ago and ago and ago. Hung out within those riotous plans, laughed together, and shared one another, sang and sang without all of these cricky things.

"... you are the only exception
you are the only exception
you are the only exception
you are the only exception..."

O-shift. Very chic. I’ve got a falling of the rocking chair. Good chair… Idiot. I have to look for another bed in the room. See yah.

For again, *yawning…*

"... you are the only exception
you are the only exception
you are the only exception
you are the only exception..."

G-night + mare = every ones.
Don’t forget to call me if you want to listen to some of very-real-rave-mare in your own rave and make it will be echooo!!!

"... and I'm on my way to believing,
oh and I'm on my way to believing..."


mask making II

Niken's house is gonna be rockin'!
Eight riotous sailors are sickkk!

Sekolah -> rumah -> rumah Niken. Eh ternyata seharusnya saya jemput si Asti dulu, saudara sekalian. Semenit duduk di sofa rumah Niken, berdiri lagi deh. Meluncur ke rumah Asti. Eh ternyata si dianya sudah menunggu berabad-abad lamanya hanya untuk menyambut adinda tercintaaa (abaikan) Eits, rumah Niken lagi deh.

Dua dekade kemudian...
Ya. Saatnya mengecat!!! Tapi catnya mana? Belilah.
Okay, lagi-lagi harus saya yang unjuk kaki plus angkat gigi *eh* aaalhasil on foot sama teh Nisa deh. Ke mana saudara-saudara? Yap, seratus. Ke toko bangunan dong pastinya. Masa beli cat ke warung. Tapi... Setelah berjuta kilo-kilo jauhnya kami melanglang buana gak jelas, Tokonya dengan senang hati tutup. Bagus. Balik lagi deh ke start awal. Ambil kuncai motaur, go go go. Toko bangunan satu ke lain, hampir nihil kalau saya tidak menuntun Nisa untuk belok ke kiri *angel mode : on* TADAAA! Bingo. Cat merah putih (teruslah kau berkibar...) sudah bersemayam dalam genggaman kami. Back to the base jam, eh camp. Ada yang kurang. Apa ya? Oh. Itu. Apa itu? Itu lho, masa gak tahu sih? Tahu kan? Tahu dong. Ya! Benar. Cat hitam. Dan apa??? Again. Saya harus pakai sandal lagi buat cabut nyari tuh cat sialan. Kali ini saya menggandeng Asti bersama PALAPA!!! APA??? Gak. Okelah. Menggelindinglah kami ke tujuan utama (yang berhasil dirancang lewat planing yang matang banget) yang berbunyi:
1. Ambil charger ke rumah saya karena ceritanya hp saya lagi koma
2. Ambil tinta bak (mandi?) ke rumah Asti
3. Makan, lalu tidur *eh* balik ke rumah Niken
Di tengah jalan, kami mengadakan sidang paripurna karena sepertinya nomor 1 dianggap gak penting. OK. Planning 2? Tinta Asti gak meyakinkan. Antara ada dan tiada gitu deh endingnya. Dan TRIIING... Seperti biasa saya punya ide yang sangat luar biasa: excellent!!!
Minta cat ke anak lain. Apa? Gak excellent? Krik... Krik... Terlepas dari itu, akhirnya motor yang kami tumpangi tiba-tiba saja sudah menyusuri jalan menuju Perumahan Nice 'K' (nama disamarkan). Dan tebak. Ya? Ah salah. Kita berdua malah bernostalgia. Aaaaa apa-apaan ini. Saya ngigo. Tapi memang tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa sesungguhnya kemerdekaan itu ialah hak segala bangsa, dan oleh sebab iu, maka kami harus fokus untuk mencari cat lain ke teman-teman yang dermawan.
Tahu-tahu kita ada di depan sebuah rumah.

WOW... Kosong...

Gimana dong. Gak gimana-gimana. Tancap gasnya, cari rumah lain. Dan apa? Kechemoe. Alias ke-te-mu.
Tapi zero for the Hero! Mereka gak punya.
Jawaban itu kami dapat setelah melakukan studi banding mengenai perilaku mereka saat bermain ping-pong ketika sedang kami tanyai atau lebih tepatnya ,mintai cat hitam yang kami cari-cari hosh hosh laaanjut. Kami tidak putus asa.
Tetap mencari...
Mencari... Searching...
Please wait...
Entah di mana, oh dimana, oh dimana
Dimana lagi harus kucari???
Mengapakah diri ini harus tersiksa lagi
Entah mengapa, oh mengapa, mengapaaaa...

Rumah demi rumah kami datangi. Laut demi laut kami seberangi. Samudra luas pun telah Asti selami sementara saya berjemur di pantai.
Ya. Rumah terakhir harapan kami. Dan ternyata memang... Ya bukan main saudara-saudara.
Dia juga tidak punya.
Excellent. Orang terakhir yang kami taruhi pengharapan besar bagi nusa dan bangsa tersebut memiliki ide yang lebih bagus dari ide saya.
Titik dua
"Coba minta ke si Afif aja."
Dan ahhh... Sweat drop di tempat. Grak.
Sial. Kenapa gak kepikiran.
Mana bensin mepet di E lagi.
Ahhh! Bye Jolba. Capcuscapnyus tujuan utama pun kami datangi.
Dan... seperti yang kita semua sudah tidak tahu, dia punya.
And let a whole world say... "YA IYALAAAH!!! KALIAN AJA YANG BEGO"
Tuing tuing

Siap, Kopral.
Cat sudah kami dapat. Walaupun dengan bensin yang super mengenaskan ini... Hiks... dengan senang hati kami balik ke rumah Asti. Ngambil tinta.
Lalu pertanyaan saya, buat apa semua perjalanan gak jelas tadi...?
Buat membuktikan bahwa ide saya juga bisa excellent -_-
Ya, ya, ya...
Welcome to Niken's house!
Goddd... Krik. Krik
Karena Niken harus les, ya... Kami pun memilih bertransmigrasi ke kos Ogiv.
Dan mulai dari sini gak ada yang penting kecuali saya dapat hukuman dari si Dono karena tuh topeng dengan anggunnya berhasil NUMPLEK di kaos + jeansnya.
Grrr eat.

Have a nice dream.

"... So much for my happy ending."

mask making I

Round I.
Rumah Asti.

See how crazy they are, such a damn great emetics;
Throw the every bow in the every very right row.

Oh I love them.

a quest

If I did... If I didn't.

If I did, I was.
If you do, you aren't.

If I close my eyes, how are you?


... Kalah.
Kadang seorang pemenang memang harus mengalami kekalahan untuk mendapatkan kemenangannya.

Kegagalan adalah awal dari keberhasilan.

Yeah. Tertawalah.
Kadang terlalu optimis dalam menjalani sebuah kompetisi adalah lambang dari kepesimisan kita untuk berbuat yang lebih lagi.

For an Optimist, I'm pretty pessimistic.

Be too optimistic is just like a, yeah, pressure for me.
Just tell you.

"And yeah, yeah, yeah I'm a lot to handle. You don't know trouble, I'm a Hell of a Scandal;
Me, I'm a Scene, I'm a Drama Queen.
I'm The Best Damn Thing, that your eyes have ever seen."

... Ya, ya, take a laugh... Take a laugh. Kill me and blame me, let me become sick ;)

Oh no, I'm just kidding. Never mind.


h(u)rt h(ea)rt

Broken heart isn't only 'bout love.
It's 'bout your heart. Guess your heart isn't just combined by the images of your boyfriend or girlfriend. So your heart can be broken not only by them, but also by the people who hurts your heart.

... losing a doll.

"... When I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouth."

And here we go...
I don't know for what I have to be sick. I never know why I'm losing that grip. And I can't find the reason for making a little rip. But I only know 'bout this one ironic realistic beep;
... I lost you.


say 'hi' to the nov, the (rem), the ember, and the chamber ;)

... Tired. Fried in the white.

Alter ego.
Ask me, ask me, "oh, what's that?!"

Then, check it out.
Pemecahan kepribadian atau sering juga disebut kepribadian ganda, atau juga lebih terkenal dengan nama alter ego; merupakan suatu keadaan di mana kepribadian individu terpecah sehingga muncul kepribadian yang lain. Kepribadian itu biasanya merupakan ekapresi dari kepribadian utama yang muncul karena pribadi utama tidak dapat mewujudkan hal yang ingin  dilakukannya. Dalam bahasa yang lebih sederhana dapat dikatakan bahwa ada satu orang yang memiliki pribadi lebih dari satu atau memiliki dua pribadi sekaligus. Kadang si penderita tidak tahu bahwa ia memiliki kepribadian ganda, dua pribadi yang ada dalam satu tubuh ini juga tidak saling mengenal dan lebih parah lagi kadang-kadang dua pribadi ini saling bertolak belakang sifatnya.

Yeah. Actually, that's right, eh.
I've just got my last class today and it's from the 'mademoiselle' of my class. She said (or told) us about our parents' blah blah blah in the Middle Semester Test Report Delivery last Saturday.
Okay. And that time Mademoiselle said if some of her 'children' have the alter ego. In the class and in the home, apparently, they are just sooo different.
Huh. Eat that.
'Cause behind that words, I'm also included.

She was right, wasn't she?