

Don’t you know? If you just did and did the same position like I did to you to me, you're just be a more selfishchildey person with a very tiny brain than me. Or, you just don’t know who you really are cause you do what another person did, only for letting that person knows how it hurt. No?

He. Does.


Mengapa kau begitu nyata bagiku?
Sekali pun ku tak bisa menjamahmu, sekalipun kau ada.

Sekali pun ku tak pernah benar-benar memandangmu,
sekalipun kau selalu ada di sana untuk menungguku.

Sekalipun kau adalah yang selama ini kucari,
Sekali pun ku tak pernah mengerti siapakah engkau sebenarnya...


DAUN yang sudah menguning itu pun terlepas juga dari ranting yang selama ini telah menemani hidupnya selama puluhan tahun. Melayang di udara, berputar-putar sebentar tertiup angin, sebelum akhirnya jatuh dengan sedih di atas rumput tepi taman itu.
Saat itulah hidupnya harus berakhir.
Namun bukan inilah yang sebenarnya diinginkannya.
Sekalipun begitu, tersemat sebuah rasa bahagia yang sangat melegakan dalam hatinya...
Melihat dia tersenyum, melihat ia bahagia, hanya itulah yang masih sanggup diharapkannya sekarang. Biarpun harus mendongak, biarpun harus mengumpulkan seluruh sisa kekuatannya... Ia bahagia.


Tempat itu sunyi. Tidak ada tanda-tanda kehidupan di sana. Daun itu masih tergeletak tak bersuara di bawah pohon besar di taman itu.
Mungkin tak ada seorang pun yang mengerti ada sebuah ranting yang begitu kehilangan sesuatu yang amat dicintainya saat itu. Namun ia terlambat. Dirinya benar-benar telah terlambat. Yang dicintainya itu telah pergi untuk selamanya.
Hanya satu yang dapat dilakukannya sekarang. Dengan seluruh kerinduan yang tak akan terobati sampai kapan pun, ia berusaha melawan segenap keinginannya untuk menangis.
Seulas senyum tergantung di sana... Persembahan terakhirnya...


Jika kau tua nanti, apa hal terakhir yang ingin kau lakukan?” tanya ranting pohon suatu hari.

Aku... Aku hanya ingin tetap dapat berada di samping dia yang sangat aku cintai. Lalu setelah itu... barulah aku dapat pergi dengan damai. Mengapa tiba-tiba kau bertanya begitu? Aneh sekali.”

Ragu sejenak, ranting pun menambahkan, “Sepertinya kau yakin sekali. Bagaimana jika kau tidak dapat terus bersama dengan dia yang kau sebut-sebut itu?”

Menurutmu begitu? Ya, kalau memang harus begitu... apa boleh buat, aku hanya bisa berharap dapat melihatnya bahagia untuk terakhir kalinya. Dengan begitu, aku pun ikut bahagia... Setidaknya, di akhir hidupku.”

vivid vivid

Shuuu ..
Kyik. Kyik.

Caught myself woke up n took a bath early this morning.
I made the today’s preface by playing the whole Pee Wee Gaskins’ tracks from its three albums on shuffle!!! Yea feel so powerful today :D ..n, full of nostalgia.

Hm.. *nyum nyumm nyamm* mm with those coke, mm, soft drinks, and *nyam nyam* some yummy-yuppy-yumm toblerones,, today’s perfectly cheerful.

Thanks, God. I’m still alive. ..n, Vivid :))


A lil coke-addicted had crushed my rooms:

Look at these out:

She did.

No. I lied.
I did.



Shu shu shu.

Last predawn I just went to sleep at 2am.
And todayyy. Today.today.today. my eyes opened.. n as always, the first thing I always see firstly after awoke is: The Beards.
The beards?
Really? Um, sounds like.. um, yea, fun-tastic.
It’s about Mr. Clock’s Beards.

N as always, (not so always actually,cus it makes me ‘usually’ late when I go to school *blush*)so, as usual-ways, reflect, I opened my lappy n pin the green headset into the socket so here was I listened to my current-lovely songs. And it started with Summer Thrill from PWG. After 15 minutes, my soul had charged n i was ready to live the life. Yu-huu.. out from my room, I arrived at the living room. No one was there. I heard some voices from the second living room which is be located behind this first living room. Still standing here, suddenly I yelled.
Yiihhaa! Hugs n kisses!
Haha :)

Surprisingly morning,
My home.

another lil fam

Sunday 26th Dec. Or, just say ‘yerterday’, I woke up n opened my eyes n see my cousins n their parents from Surabaya were here!! Watcha awwww.. :D
N it turned out that they came at the midnite. Haha.. how cool.
Hey. Btw. Yesterday my Auntie's birthday! Say, happy birthday auntieee!!!

The last one who took a bath, I wore the dress from my Auntie, er, without any-mind.

So. Yea we went together to the Church, n it’s like a great coincidentally that today was The Holy-Family’s Day!!

Um, after got the Mass, we decided to look for some restaurant n having lunch together.
It was still 9pm so, there are many restaurants who didn’t open yet. Turn there, here, n around, so, at the end we just stopped @ Sweety-witty-Joglo.
Itadakimasu :)

Went home, and ap-pa-rent-lyyy, my auntie brought some outfits for me! Haha
But had no time to complete the dressing-up that day. Eww.. :(

At last, thanks for the red-velvet one, auntiie!! I love this one out sooo much.


Wah saya mengkeret nih. Ternyata anak2 scm dengan tambahan Jolba jadi ke yogyakerte bareng. And I’m not. Such a lil bit.. ENVYYY!!! Shift. Alt. Ctrl. Shuhh!

Hooo… Apparently, its not a big deal probs kalo aku gak jadi liburan ke sana. Dikarenakan kalo ke sana cuma boleh kalo lebih dari 7 hari, dan keberangkatan baru direncanakan tanggal 24, kemudian di samping itu pula 24 + 7 = 31, padahal tanggal 31 saya kudu stand by di Ponorogo gara2 ada schedules manggung buat taon baru, so.saya. have to stuck in this home for welcoming the new year. And it also means, I have to through this holy-holiday without a holy poly lolypop, by not go to anywhere. Ewrr.
Ada Denias: Senandung di atas awan yang masih mau mengisi kekosongan saya.
Yaa, sepertinya, ini sudah keseratus-sekian-kalinya saya menontonnya. Dan tetap gak terasa monotone loh. How? Ngakak, jumpalitan, merinding, dan nangisnya tetep : gak berubah. Selalu sama, gak berkurang sedikit pun ketajemannya menusuk-nusuk hati, jiwa, dan intuisi saya.
Well, walaupun udah segitu seringnya, tapi baru kali ini,
Muncul sebuah keinginan besar buat bangun dari tidur, yang selama ini membelenggu logika saya buat meladeni kompetisi dalam mencari ilmu dan nilai. Bok, sebenernya aku bisa!! Tapi ke mana? KE MANA aku selama 3 tahun ini? HA?
Pardon me.
I know I had to use my powers forward those realities of E-DU-CA-TION, oh, I mean, especially in exactas lesson. Hoohhh! Wake up! Wakwe up! I’d like to be more than this.
New born! New born!
Yea. I hope I can catch my remainder so far. Or I’ll regret my power losing.

And feel useless, and nothing.

a storytelling

So, here is the story telling you,

I born in 1996.
This is 2010 at the end.
So, I’m currently 14th from cutback of 2010 – 1996.

Um, actually,
My parent had been divorced since I was 4th year old.
And I’ve been living with my momma in the 10 years left. (rite? 14 – 4 = 10)

No, no. Absolutely I still connected with my daddy till now. And it’s not a trouble of me, for me.

Well, I don’t know whether I should tell ya or not, actually.. I should not have been met my dad’s parents. Before, now, and ever after. I think.
So, I just be familiar with my mom’s families. So far, yea.

Here my mom’s fams exist:
My mom’s parents, my grandma n grandpa, have 5 kids.
My mom is 2nd kid who also be the 1st female kids.
(Actually, there’s only 1 male who is, my mom’s brotha of my grandparents’)
The 1st, 4th, 5th kids has been livin with fun in Yogyakarta, but the 3rd kid is just stayin peaceful in Surabaya. And my mom? She chooses to be here n accompany their parents.

And I am the 1st grandchild.
I have 5 cousins which are females at all.
The 2nd n 3rd grandchildren are from the 3rd kid.
The 4th grandchild is from the 4th kid.
The 5th grandchild is from the 1st kid.
And the 6th is from the 5th kid.

Females are: anywhere.. Female’s mushrooming!

Ok, now, time for my grandparents’ brothers n sisters.
My GRANDMA, has 2 brothers n a sista.
My G-ma is the 1st kid.
The 2nd kid passed away 4 years ago when I am 10th. He has a female kid, who I posted at ….
The 3rd kid has a female kid n a male kid. The female has a same age with the 2nd kid’s daughter, n the male has a same age with me.
The 4th kid has 2 female kids. And the youngest.also.has.a same age with me..

SO. I recently told u bout my mom’s cousins, rite?

Just based in this story,, how many females exist? And how bout the male?
There are: 19 females n 9 males. Ha-ha.
10 hits 1

xmas nite :))

Yea… Happy Meyyi yummy Xmas!!!
With my Mam went to get a Christmas Mass at 9pm…
The road in front of Church are crushed by losta mocycs and cars so.. yea. Finally stood there as well as we could hahhah. Xmas nite!!! Yeayy! Oh, my momma was be a member of the choir tonight so I came to Jess (my friend) and ohh, she came without her fam apparently, so we’d decide to pass the night together.
Actually me in blacked-whitey-red outfit now, and I looked sooooo casualll not as always, and I’m sooooooooooooo happyyyy! Shuuuuuuuuuuuu…

There was a ‘theatrical move’ before the Mass started, so I took some shoots even I couldn’t see anything cus there were NO lamps shined except one-two of candles for the narrators…
A Light In the Dark:



Napoleon took some pictures together!! *hai Cibongg, ke mana kauu??

…and, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, Mademoiselle!!!
And for all of the Mommas in the galaxy :D

Cracked the cricks!!!

Had a very short-long nite with Cake (Sanik).


day ends

23rd December: THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
Happy-Holy-Holiday, all!!!

Got a very chic evening with Ogiv. Hha.

My momma was starting her action again, apparently.
So so sorry mowyy for you, you, and you, who had gotten a delicious 'calls' n messages on that day.

class meeting

CLASS MEETING!!! (and try out in the same time. Hohh… Nice week.)
However. It’s 24th December now, it’s holidayyy, but the last four days before were be a suppa-compl(ete)cated-dayyy for us, the 9th Grader, well, in my school.

MONDAY, 20th Dec: Day 1 of the CM and there were:
- Female 3 on 3
- Guess The Clue! Game
So, after finished our fight with Bahasa Indonesia try out, we were gonna down to the field toward our another ‘fights’ again and it seemed so fresh yea.
There was 3 on 3 and sooo sorry for my class, couldn’t let myself jump over the bounce cause my heart had been breaking for a long long timeee, and my eyes never got off from those orange balls, in fact the objects always danced and danced, shake all over the day on that colorful floor. Oh may be.. a past tale. I mean, NEVER MIND cause watch outtt!! there were Mega and Roma, who wanted to be a millionaires by became a basket tamer to accompany Nisa. CHAYO!!! Yeaa! Gotta fight with Columbus, actually, and our army successfully be the winner of the round ;) See? My hands never could be quite, and it’s so hurting cause my hearts said not. Imagine, it fell so constrictedddd hh, when you knew that you soul want to sleep, neither your body is. Yeah, like.. um, insomnia.
So depressing.
NO!!! The depressing didn’t stay with me forever, cause Sukma called my name and it’s time for Guess-The-Clue!-GAME!!! Anhar, ‘the smart’ one, and me, we’re gonna be a fine group, we believe. So we sat there, with the other smart-cleared groups from every class too, and after made a lottery of round time, finally we got the last round of the game haha!
In this game, every group, who formulated by 2 person (male and female) from their class’ choose, had to split their own group to be two sides, 1 for the Guesser, and 1 for the Boaster. The Boast would get a paper of the list about what kinds of things he or she had to show off to the Guesser (without any sounds, without open your mouth), who had to guess (absolutely, what more?) There were 10 names of things, and it would be 5 minutes for every group. In every name of thing in the list, we’d get 3 times for guessing every name of the thing boasted. In every name, we’d get 3 points if we could guess it once. But if we got twice guessing, we’d got only 2 points of the name, or if we used three guessing times, we’d only get 1 points. Overall, if we couldn’t guess the name till three times, we would get nothing, and lost three points of big 30. Or, you could ‘pass’ the name.
OOPS. It was not a good news. Anhar and me, we thought that the game was a game of our knowledge. So how?? How, how now?? Oh no.
Well, Marcopolo went first and unfortunately they lost 3 points. It’s okay.
Followed by Columbus, who finally, had the same score with their first comer.
Soo.. our turn came. Actually, I wanted Anhar to be the Boaster, but he did not. AND FORTUNATELY, Anhar got what he wanted. By the lottery again, Anhar got a paper of ‘Guesser’, so I had to be a Boaster of the things’ names list. Hh, okayy, and I opened the paper list, then found ten names of 10 things. Reflect, I boast the things, show off it all to Anhar and in the 2nd minute, we finished the round. Without “pass”, we got the bid 30!!! How… rrrwoww!! Yesss! Gimme you hand! Giving hand!!! We really had to be a fine group. Yayy!! 3rd minutes left!! Fuhh!
Brought the gift back to Napoleon, the basket team did not over yet. The sun got more panic so afternoon came. Sorry for couldn’t watch the game till the end, I had to go home first!
But it’s very rawksrawksrawks news when knew that the team got 6-2 score for hitting Marcopolo. Hahha. We are the Champions, my frienddd…..

TUESDAY, 21st Dec: Day 2 of the CM and there were:
- Transfer marble
- (Male only) Futsal
Well, actually, not only thousand times I said to the all of my classmates if I had to join the games of Tranfers Marble!!!! Hahaha watcha selfish me.. Ouch yea. I really had it.
Buttt… How could?? Finally I did not join the games today. Because after said my 1001st declaration, I met my class’ mademoiselle.. and we took a while to talk face to face. Yea, till now, I’ve been thinking that that was a short meeting, I mean, it’s just take an hour, but I was not. I’ve been wrong. That was a very long ‘losing me’ according to my friend who apparently, had called me for many times, looked for my body, and there nobody’s like me so far. Checked my inbox, and hill yeah, they called me for.. TRANSFER MARBLE!!! Oh no. The transfer marble ended a long long time ago, actually, and I wasn’t there. Oh great. Nope. That was not the whole news. Cause.. we also.. lost the game. So, just watched the futsal eh, but we also ..lost the game, again. No, no. It’s time for having fun!!
Hay, hey, Cake (Sanik) and me found a baby bird!!!! So tiny uberly cuteee… Hihi.. And our other friends finally joined us to play the baby bird on their grips! Uuuuu sooo cucy cucy cute!! Okay.
Then, suddenly… heard the song..: Melompat Lebih Tinggi by Sheila On 7 from the big black speaker on the corner of the field heyy how sweet sweet sweet sweating the moment was?!! MAN! And deep in my soul,, there was a huge spirit to get some rockin move haha so, I asked Ogiv to walk over bamboo and the loser must treat the winner with a plastic of ‘penthol’ *uhuk* so we walked on the bamboo, sound tracked by the song. Uuh and I lost my own challenge. Hahaw no problemomow.then for more fun, I decided to buy an cup ice cream and itsa nice taste!! Umm yummy!!! Really. DOHH.. And we ran to catch one another, a lil nice party eh. Btw ‘PARTY”, yesterday was Mada’s (my classmate) birthday!!! So, we planed a beautiful chic party today. Secretly, Ogiv, Sukma, and me bought some plastic and we filled them with water!!!
And at the times…

All was wet. All was well.
Lotsa thanks for my mademoiselle. You wasted my teras and it’so fly my day up. My ‘weight’ felt lose and I could dance a hubba-hubba now. Heyy… Big fat thanks also for NAPOLEON!!! Y’all were like washing my pin off. With the splashes of water absolutely!!!! YEARRRW.
And the ending was… we all tied in wet. Hahhahh. Woo-hew. Fuuhhh..
Oops. What’s that?
An earthquakeee!!!!!!!
Heyy. Wow. Thanks for you too, for reading this grayayay story.