
weekend (/> <)/


Habis becek2an di stadion, ke tamkot with Napoleladies. Ke bawah yo! yo! ada updatean speciaaall! Hihi

Berhubung banyak yang lagi patah hati detik itu, jadi borong jajan terus. Dari es, baso, tahu, cola, kayak yang anak2 tahu setiap Pipod ga bisa mikir pastii... MBADOO~ ...LLL

Trus ayunan. Laamaaaaa..... Bikin jadi kayak semacam 'pelepasan' tersendiri aja.. haha

..above the ground... over the APWG's cross.



OK. Sekarang waktunya lanjut plesir lagi ke Susi, Sumoroto Sitiii!!!


my quote again

" Kadang,  kalau  kita  lebih  dekat  dengan  tulisan  kita
daripada  kata2  kita  sendiri,
Kita  bisa  menangis  dalam  tulisan. "


♥ NAPOLEON!!!!! ♥

Hari ini. NAPOLEON!!!! Bikin refleksi. Dan endingnya kita semua jadi bisa saling menguatkan dan mengingatkan. Kita saling meyayangi satu sama lain.

Yang kelebihan melengkapi yang kurang.
Suer dehh.
Mendadak, terdengar suara2 sumbang,

"Setiap manusia di dunia pasti punya kesalahan,
tapi hanya yang pemberani yang mau mengakui...

Setiap manusia di dunia pasti pernah sakit hati,
hanya yang berjiwa ksatria yang mau memaafkan..."

Aku, Mega + Nisa (TIGA2NYA YANG GAK NANGIS--ini gila sodara2) nyanyi ini ngeliatin mereka2 yang pada akhirnya saling berpelukan berderai air mata.

Mungkin gak ada yang tau. Disela-sela nyanyian itu, aku sempet ngelirik Mega.
Kemarin dia sudah keterima di sebuah SMA swasta di kota yang jauh sana, Semarang.

Sepersekian detik aku nyanyi sambil ngelirik dia. Dia masih nyanyi dengan cerianya.


Mungkin aneh liat semua cewe di Napo nangis sementara kami bertiga cuma bisa goyang2 kiri-kanan nyanyi gajelas.
Tapi.. Haha. yah. Gak kerasa udah tinggal beberapa minggu lagi :)
Satu persatu anak2 hilang.
Hilang direnggut waktu. Kemudian berganti ruang, hingga menembus jaman.
Cieelah bahasa gueh. Haha iya. :D

Dunia itu luas.
Di luar sana... Di luar sanalah terdapat dunia yang 'sebenarnya'.

Dunia di mana kita semua akan memilih setapak masing2 dan berjalan untuk menemukan jati diri.
Jati diri.
Seperti kata Dee, "..berputar menjadi sesuatu yang bukan kita demi menjadi diri kita lagi."
Well, hari ini pertama kalinya aku ngepost 'sesuatu' lagi setelah seminggu lewat. Banyak kejadian dan cerita bisu tentang cinta--puisi2 yang masih bersembunyi untuk diungkapkan. Ya, anggep aja seminggu ini sebagai ajang introvet-ing dirikuu, yang, yaaa... kadang aku sendiri juga perlu buat 'kabur' dari keramaian kan?


maybe, i sud quit ma grimm.

-my great TO-DO list-

...well. 102 posts.

I think, now I'd like to leave this notes for several times later.

Too much to ask. Too much to say. Too much to be told.

My life's just cold. And tired in gold.
A melted bold, I'm such a.. bored, and I shall leave you alone for enjoyin' these stories.

Some blurry story lines about a girl that want to be an angel without wings.

A girl, that wanna hug the earth.


Dream all day. Die tomorrow.

Thankyou very much for your attentions 4 months left.

I should be a real woman. I just shut it up,

..and down.

See yah.

a KILLJOY of emphasis.

(but maybe I'm just kidding. I don't know.)



FIB without Ogiv @ Markas Besar (LAAAAGIII), Kintamani.

K-Mani jadi rame. Jadi ga asik.

Kayaknya mulai besok lagi kami bakal make fasilitas Karaoke Room deh buat Base Camp.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH gila gila gilaaaaaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sumpah. Mbuka web yang sama kayak postingan iniiii, DAAAAANNNNN gotchakiller deh POKONYA.

Bikin beberapa pelanggannya Kintamani pulang :| sumpah kami berempat jadi... mati gaya ._.


(pulang, peluk ortu masing2)

SUMPAHHHHHH. Lappy ini sampe ditutup berkali2 tereakannya ga brenti2. ASTAGA. MAna dengan begonya tadi volume ta full-in lagi. BEGO. Bego.. *frustasi*





mah shoesss :"((

Hari itu, karna ga ada yang kasi laporan ke inbox saya, akibatnya jadi dateng kepagian.
No prob. Buka tumblr deh.

Dan mendadak sekeliling jadi rame.
Gilalo 'mendadak'? ya nggalah.
Yang mendadak adalah.. "Heh we gowo hp kamera ra? Aep enek razia satpol pp loh."

Kabur ke kos with Roma ngungsiin si Redblack.

Balik lagi ke sekolah, ada APEL PAGI *yawnyawn*

Dapet hadiah2 hasil class meetin, habis itu parti sama anak Napoleon :))

Trus Tre Ot. Biasa, kelas sisa, kebagian lab lagi.

Habis sauna gratis di lab, akhirnya balik lagi ke kelas...

Yaah, sebenernya hari itu gak seflat  ini, tapi pas nulis ini emang Pipodnya yang lagi flat. Jadi ga seru.

Oh, by the way yang di atas itu foto kekenya si Mitro yang nyuri sepatu saya DAN DIMOLORIN jadi EKSTRAAA gedeeeeek, dan dipake jalan2 pas Second Break, dan cuma bisa ketawa2 pas Kharis dkk lapor ke aku.

Ya saya cuma ngakak. Trus moto deh..

Last, Happy Fallen-Tune all....

PS. Got it from STKIP Sophomore!! :)
Yang ini, dapet dari Mama,

And.. just added some cricks in my wall.

"It's gettin dark here. Right now."

I need you tonight.


Found a new crappy corner in my own bedroom :)



-Saveera Vivid-
ft. Paramore

Far far away from your seat there, in a very dark valley, where the darkness and the sobs heard everywhere, where the elves and fairies never stop to cry… there lived a big fat ugly woman,
called Momograga.
Yes, friends, it was a story which the faith had never been believed.
It was a story, which all of the children in the world never wanted to hear.

No one knew, that Momograga was a beautiful Queen from a very nice Empire,
The Blossom Ross.

In The Blossom Ross, every people lived gratefully without cries or madness. They always shared one to another. Children laughed and sang the nice songs. It was a place, where the people believed that the dreams would give them spirit in every breath.

There also lived a faithful Princess, named Momo Grace.

People who had seen into her face said that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. When Momo Grace smiled, all of the men would fall in love with her.

Many Princes came to The Blossom Ross, asked The Emperor whether they could marry his daughter or not. The Emperor was very happy. But, unfortunately, he always rejected their demands.

Sometimes, Momo Grace was confused about this condition.

She didn’t know, there was a secret that The Emperor hid from her daughter.
But because of her faithful thought, Momo Grace still trusted her father. She believed her father would do the best for her.

Day after day, man by man went home with a desperate face. The results were always same; no one could marry Momo Grace. Slowly, The Blossom Ross changed to be a place where the broken face came.

One day, Momo asked to her Mother, “Mom, when am I going to marry?”
“Absolutely you will, dear, soon. Patience is gold, isn’t it?”
“Indeed, it is.” Then Momo Grace smiled. “But… I think, I am falling in love, Mom.”
“My dear?”
“Oh, I mean… I’m not sure, but I…”
“My princess, who is he?” The Queen hugged Momo Grace.

But Momo Grace fell silent.

Actually The Queen was really afraid about her daughter’s feeling. She was very nervous about something. Something that she thought Momo Grace didn’t know. But she still kept secret to her little princess. She just could hope that Momo was not serious about what she said.

“No problem, dear… You’re really going to be a woman, aren’t you?”

Momo smiled.

“Just go sleep, darling…” The Queen stood up and gave Momo a little kiss, “See you tonight.” Then left her alone in her room.

Momo Grace couldn’t sleep. Nobody knew that she had found out about what her parent had been hiding from her so far.

She knew that she would be married with a witch that lived in a valley not so far from their Empire. She cried. Her faith was gone. He decided to never trust everyone anymore.

So, in a night, when the weather was so cold and nobody’s on the road, she caught herself crouching with a big black coat, went away from her castle, far enough till nobody never could find her again.

She ran and ran… She passed an island to another island, she didn’t know where to go. She just wanted to run, and run.

In a very sweet autumn, she heard some children sang together.
A song that made her wanted to run faster and faster.

“She lives in a fairy tale, somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell of the world that she's left behind
It's all about the exposure the lens I told her
The angles were all wrong now, she's ripping wings off of butterflies.”

Thousand days and hundred months left, she was still on escapee.
But the song still heard.

“Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Ba da ba ba da ba ba da...”

She never been stopped her steps till once upon a time she arrived at a big dark deadly vast forest, because she felt her power was lost at all. She stood there, didn’t know how to take any move. The one she could do was, fortunately, she was still breathing.

Suddenly, she heard some voice.


She couldn’t move. Too powerless to take a move. She didn’t regret that. She didn’t have any of faith anymore. She never trusted anyone again. So when her power was lost, nothing to do.

Somebody came.

“Anyone there?”

Kept silent.

“Who are you?”
The voices drew near.

“I am a fairy.” Lied Momo Grace.

No more voices.

“Fairy from,” Momo Grace took a second, “Hoola-wooha.” She knew what she said. She didn’t want anyone knew who she really was.

“Where’s Hoola-Wooha? I had never heard it before.” Said the voice—a man’s voice.
“HEEEEWWWW!!!” that voice again.
“Oh shut up.” Said another voice.

The voices went closer. Momo Grace still stuck on her place. She wasn’t afraid of anything that could happen. Then she answered,
“A place that you would have never known. It burned down. I am runaway.” Said Momo quickly without expression. Finally Momo Grace decided to tell a truth about her, only one truth.

And, gotcha. There was a young man rode an animal which was such a neither dragon nor horse, handsome. He got off from his Dragon-Horse and walked closer to a very thin woman in front of him.

“A fairy? You’re too beautiful to be scrawny.” He stopped his steps, stared at Momo curiously.

Momo Grace didn’t answer.

“… and hopeless.” He added. The man began to walk again, slowly.

“I am fairy and I can kill you anytime.”

He didn’t stop his step, laughed.
“So, you are scary.”
“I’m not scrawny and you are not funny.”

And the young man stopped a few steps in front of Momo Grace. But it was a very close distance—too closed for how Momo Grace wanted.

“Do you need a place to stay? Follow me.” The man gave Momo Grace his hand. “Oh, I am Wichita Grara. And you…?”

“What’s wrong about that?”

“So are you really going to kill me? Come on. We can make friends.” Wichita gave his hands.

“I don’t believe you.”

“I can trust you, if you do not bite.”

“So do I. I do bite.”

Wichita Grara laughed.
“Do you? Well. I’ll be an ironic pig with those horrible ears and a desperate nose if I leave a beautiful hopeless girl alone in the gate of the coolest vast forest in the whole Dark Valley.”

“So is this Dark Valley?”
“Indeed, Miss Hoola-Wooha.”
“Just… go away.”
“No thanks?”

“Indeed. No.” Momo Grace began to walk.

Weird. She could walk again.

“Okay. Let’s see how long you will survive here without Wichita Grara.” Wichita escorted his Dragon-Horse.
“Shuuuuuuu…” like understood its employer said, the animal became calm.

“Momo. I thought that name was not useable out of Dark Valley.” They walked together.

Momo Grace was still quiet.

“Okay. I’ll sing for us.”


But he really did. Then he started to sing.

“So one day he found her crying, coiled up on the dirty ground... Her prince finally came to save her and the rest you can figure out... But it was a trick and the clock struck twelve, well make sure to build your home brick by boring brick or the wolf's gonna blow it down—“


He still continued his song. A nice song, but it was not a song which Momo Grace wanted to hear. A song that reminded her into a very sweet autumn, a very sweet autumn where Momo Grace was alone, and the children sang a sad song. Song about a fairytale. Momo had not believed at the fairytale anymore since a long time ago. They always told the children about a fake dream. Fake and had to be wasted away.

“—Keep your feet on the ground, when your head's in the clouds…”

It crushed her.

“I don’t like this song.”

“Well you built up a world of magic, because your real life is tragic… Yeah you built up a world of magic…”


“If it's not real, you can't hold it in your hand… Can't feel it with your heart. And I won't believe it… But if it's true, you can see it with your eyes—“

Momo Grace started to run.

“—Oh even in the dark… And that's where I want to be, yeah…”

But Momo Grace stopped her steps. They arrived at a Depths.

“This is it. A Depths of Misery.” Wichita said proudly, like he had really known bout that Depths. And he was.

“Let yourself accept my hands.” Wichita gave his hand again to Momo Grace. “We’ll fly over there.”

“I said I can’t trust you.”

“So you have to.”

“Must I?”

And suddenly, Momo Grace’s defense was falling out.
She let herself sat on the Dragon-Horse. With Wichita Grara, a man without conviction. A man who Momo Grace was falling in love with for the first time in her life.

“HEW!! Shuuuuuu………”

A sunset’s behind. They went left, flew above the Depths. It was a very dark, scary, and deep depths but Momo Grace felt safe. She smiled, for the first time since fifteen years.
Wichita sang a song again.
“Well go get your shovel, and we'll dig a deep hole,”
“To bury the castle, bury the castle…”

“You know that song?”
“I don’t know. Like have heard it before. But I don’t know when it was.”

“I think, I love you, …Momo.”

Tears fell down and it shined in the sun bright. Lovely.

“I don’t know what I’m saying but you made me have been falling in love when you fell out my defense.”

Momo Grace caught her faith again. Had been a long time to feel beloved since no one existed to be trusted. They went away to the sky, touched the stars and the clouds’ fear. They loved one to another, no one did wonder. Dragon-Horse still flew, brought them north.

“May be I might tell you about this story. Story which make I’m such had heard your name, Momo.”
“What story about?”

“Oh you’re being loved to talk and talk now. Well, it’s about a story which the faith had never been believed. It’s a story, which all of the children in the world never wanted to hear. Ironic.”

“Tell me.”

“Okay, I’ll be a good storyteller for you. Err, far far away from your seat there, in a very dark valley, where the darkness and the sobs heard everywhere, where the elves and fairies never stop to cry… there lived a big fat ugly girl, called Momograga.”


“Do you know how did she become a very big fat ugly girl?”

“I’m afraid I don’t.”

“Her son made a forbid promise with a witch. A promise that make the Momograga very disappointed, as a Mother.”

Momo Grace shuddered with her mind.

“So she went away from her palace. She became ugly. Day by day left, till she arrived at the middle of Dark Valley. There, she began to kill herself by eat so many stones and glasses. She became fat, she ate and ate and never stopped to eat till she became bigger and bigger. Unready, I offered to you, the view of Dark Valley.”

Beneath them there were so many sobs and desperate fairies. Momo Grace started to cry.
“There lived, a Momograga.”

Momo Grace cried in the silence.

“Momograga. That’s why I have Grara for my last nick. She’s a very kind woman. She found me in the middle of war victims, and called me as ‘son’. I never met my parents before, and after. Now, Momograga only was a legend.”

The moon came, they flew away from there.

“That’s why, I recently guarded you against there, right? Because I know you’re hopeless and I was afraid you’d arrive at the Dark Valley, a place where all of desperate fairies go. I don’t want you to go there and become one of them. You have to be rescued. I don’t want you to be ended like them. Just, because...”

Wichita kissed Momo Grace.
“...’cause I can’t do it alone. I can’t love somebody by myself only. And my heart falls on you.”

Then, the Dragon-Horse dived at a beautiful place.

“Welcome to our castle, my Queen.”

“If it's not real, you can't hold it in your hand,
Can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it.
But if it's true, you can see it with your eyes
Oh even in the dark…
And that's where I want to be.”

… Ba da ba ba da ba ba da.

dear you.

How can I decide what’s right?
The truth is hiding in your eyes.
And it’s hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
Do you see what we’ve done?
We’re gonna make such fools of ourselves.

Well what’s the problem?
You’ve got a lot of nerves
I’m not so naïve, my sorry eyes can see--
The way you fight shy of almost everything.
Well if you give up, you’ll get what you deserve.
So what do you think I would say?
“No, you can’t runaway. No you can’t runaway”?
You wouldn’t.
I never wanted to say this.
You never wanted to stay.


I’ve got a lot to say to you.
Yea I’ve got a lot to say.

Gimme attention, I need it now.
Too much distance to measure it out, out loud.

... And if you’re listening, I miss you. And if you hear me now I need you. Where did you go? Cause you’re not gone. The wires were cut and I’m alone.
Do you ever want me? Do you ever need me? I know that you left before goodbye.
And it’s okay, there’s always another day.

I’m not going, cause I’ve been waiting for the miracle, so I’m not leaving.

But I don’t see you around anymore.
Not even a trace of you.
And I’m getting bored waiting round for you.
We’re not getting any younger and I won’t look back—cause there’s no use, it’s time to move forward.
I’m feeling no sympathy. You lived inside a cave. You’re barely get by the rest of us—you’re trying.
There’s no need to apologize, I’ve no time for feeling sorry.
Well I tried not to think of what might happen. When your reality--it finally cuts through.
Well, as for me, I got out and I’m on the road. The worst part is that this, this could be you.
You know it too, you can’t run from your shame. You’re not getting any younger. Time keeps passing by, but you waited awake. It’s time to roll over.
And all the best lies--they are told with fingers tied, so cross them tight.

Won’t you promise me tonight? 
If it’s the last thing you do,

You’ll get out.

*(actually, I have choices.)
I can’t excite you anymore. You treat me just like another stranger.
Well, it’s nice to meet you sir, I guess I’ll go. I best be on my way out.
Ignorance is you best friend.
(but I don't.)*

And you ran away.
Is this what you had waited for? Just to be alone?
You never said this wasn’t what you wanted, was it? 
Was it?
This isn’t what you wanted.
Remember how, 
Cause I know that we won’t forget it all.


...So this is how it goes.
Well I, I would have never known. And if it ends today, well,
I'll still say that you shine brighter than anyone.
Now I think we're taking this too far--don't you know that it's not this hard?
Well it's not this hard.
But if you take what's yours and I take mine, must we go there? Please not this time.
No, not this time.

Well (MAY BE) this is not your fault.
But if I'm without you, then I will feel so small.
And if you have to go,
... always know that you shine brighter than anyone does.

If you run away now,
Will you come back around?
And if you ran away,
I'd still wave goodbye
Watching you shine bright.
  And I'll wave goodbye tonight.


Setelah menghabiskan 2 hari penuh di rumah (lagi), masuk juga akhirnya.

"MBOLOS AE!!" said Pendos.
"HO, DEINGI BAR NG NDI?" asked Niken.
"Pipod mbolos neh to deingi?" Intan nanya sambil mesam-mesem (sumpah ini beda abis)
"Kemeren ke mana Pid?" added Pak Septa.

"Sakit Pak." I answered.

ASTAGAAAAAHHH......... Se'mbolosan' itukah tampang saya? Mentang2 baru bolas-bolos 4x seminggu terakhir, setiap gak masuk artinya bolos?? HA?

Sakit beneran ini :'(
Azab kali ye. Hux.



Ya enggaklah.


Btw, mosok lagi ae ketemu To'on neh. Nevermind, karna yang bakal ditulis di bawah ini ga ada hubungannya sama sekali sama si Pak Bos.

Ya. Back to our topic above, sebut saja aku gak masuk karna sakit--ya, memang begitulah adanya.
Tapi bisa juga kalian menyebutnya sebagai...
the way I ran away.
The way of  ... escapee.
Runaway from what I've been hiding and keeping it secret.
I won't tell you. I'll keep myself a mystery.

Yeah. Loser, I am.

Ain't I?

(PS. Setelah Rabu--pas aku ga masuk--Niken dikerjai habis2an, sampe nangis gilalo... Hari ini, ppulangnya, Niken digokilin lagi. Kissuuu~ :) ..ya, walau harus dapet bonus kartu kuning semua dari Pak Sih. Makasih ya Pak. We love you :*


kanibal *LOL*

De Mit(ro) said,

"... Kakak  pertama  ki  kethek,  kakak  kedua  babi,
kakak  ketigane  kanibal."

[moral messages]
Berarti Tebo kethek, Tio babi, aku.. kanibale yah. :))

(PADAHAAALL, semenit sebelumnya barusan berdebat sama Tio kalo dia yang
kudu jadi si bungsu P: Kalo tau jadinya begini, aku aja yang bungsu.
gapapa deh *melet*)

5 menit kemudian Mega nyanyi Susis.

De Mar(sono) said,

"He ibukku wi." 

I..i, i-itu..
anaknya pro.. protes.

eh pas aku nulis tulisan di atas, he said,

"He. He. Pakku wi."


opo. nyusahne aku karo theme arema nek we. Hu.

Bar ngono.. mbuka web ini.

Ditungu dan ditungu dan ditunggu, daaan..


Sukma nangiiiiisssssssss!!!!!!!! WAHAHAHA

"Stres hilang, nyawa terancam."

Setelah puluhan tawa dan teriakan mengalun, mendadak semua harus berakhir dengan kekagetan nyata dari Pak Andre.
He. he. he. maap pak ampun.. maap pakk.. :'(( *sujud2*

HAHA. Ya. A (craz)day.


Tau gimana jadinya kalo pendarahan jantung di-mix sama leburan dark chocolate Monggo khas Yogyakarta yang super bikin hepi itu?

Gambaran pertama yang mampir ke imajinasi saya hanyalah, darkpink.

Ok, itu hanya embel2 buat judul postingan ini.

Semalem, setelah sorenya berancur2an cerita sama si Gesti aku bagaikan dapet sebuah hadiah -> hak pengabulan-permintaan oleh Ibu Peri.

Monggo, merk favorit saya, yang datengnya dari Yogya, dan enak banget, dan percaya deh, semua orang yang pernah makan itu cokelat bawaannya pasti bakalan langsung relax plus berbunga2,, sekacau apapun keadaan orang itu, saat itu.

That's what happened to me.

Bikin semua luka dari kalangan mana pun bagai kering..
Di saat aku lagi kangen2nya sama kota itu lagi.

Cuma dengan 3 gigitan aja aura sekitar udah bagai kebawa jadi Jogja-banget.

Oh-so-true-Chocolate :

..rasa garam yang menjadi tawar itu telah berganti oleh manisnya cokelat dan indahnya kenangan akan Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta, kota yang selama ini jadi semacam escape pas meteran ke-vivid-an lagi drop.

rasa itu mungkin telah pergi.

"... Namun mungkin, hanyalah mungkin."