
i love 1 am talks.
the way those eyes hide nothing but honesty.

the road was empty
and entire world fell asleep
only couples of lover
inside a coffee corner

and buddies, who shared some chatter

that the night went darker
but not the lights in their eyes

i saw no crowd, but souls

the time was ticking slower

slower ...

and everything felt so tender

so effortless.

so weak.

something out there got wet after the rain--roared a beautiful pain
something beyond the conversation echoed no vain

speakers on the ceiling, some good old songs whispering
pour down melancholy, turned us into blue

we forgot about the universe,
we cursed this life
then we yearned
--and lemme tell you
the eternal way
of how
i love

1 am


flame in people's eyes
so warm yet so cold
so effortless
so sad
so blind
so weak

turned off the reality
walk away from society

try not to insist--
nor to resist

my hair was messy
so was your story

i didnt fall
and i bet not to
or so

as the melody over there began to end
could it last any longer
seek not for anything clear--
and why we exist
or are we even real?

ps. this poet is not based on its real condition. it was my experience of some am talks inside those coffee longues with certain persons. added by danilla's terpaut oleh waktu melodies, i find the ambiance fits the verses i had then imagined. i put some real mess over here and some other trivial touches there beyond exact things that truly happened, in which triggered by the song i've mentioned before. yes, i find happiness in writing and pouring down blue verses. so sit back on your couch--we may need cups of warm darjeelin tea--and, shut off your ambiguity, and, just, enjoy.

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